
Showing posts from December, 2017

From Artificial Intelligence to Deep Learning

Artificial intelligence or AI for short is the field of making computer think like humans by creating an artificial brain. Whatever the human can do intelligently is required to be moved into machines. The machine will just do what the human tells it and no more. For example, the human can sort numbers in an intelligent manner and so machines should be intelligent by sorting numbers like humans. To do this, there are a number of algorithms like bubble sort that allows the machine to think like a human. The machine will just follow several lines of codes that are to be executed each time with no changes. Just follow the instructions that the human told the machine about to do the task. The machine in this case is tied to the human and can`t work on its own. This is like a master and slave relationship. The human is the master and the machine is the slave that just follow the human orders and no more. A program embedding intelligent behavior tells the machine what to do. But t